"How I fixed Youtube!" aka "Youtube finally working with Google Apps in Scandinavia!"

Okay, I didn't really fix Youtube myself, however I did alert Google about an issue plaguing a lot of Google Apps users, me included. When I first started out with Google Apps some 3 or 4 years ago the service didn't support all of Google's services. It didn't take long before most of them were fully functional, and when Google+ finally became available for Apps users after a lengthy delay, all important Google services had finally become available for Apps users....

February 20, 2013

At Google One Minute Equals Six Hundred and Nine Seconds

The Googleverse is not exactly like the universe most of us know. Things seem to move a little bit slower than everywhere else. In fact, one minute in the Googleverse is at least six hundred and nine seconds long. And here's the proof: A little more than seven months ago, Google launched Google+ for Google Apps. I was thrilled, finally I could start using Google+ with my primary Google account....

May 28, 2012